Understanding how schools can utilize social media platforms to do more than just inform.

If you visit the website of most schools, you will find links to social media sites tied to the respective building or district. But what information do you get when you visit these accounts? Typically a curation of updates including weather delays and school lunch offerings, mixed with celebratory posts related to academics or athletics. This is great, right? Of course it is. After all, these are the types of posts the community relies on to remain informed about the happenings of the school. But what if your school/district's social media accounts could encompass more? What if you could use new or existing platforms to better connect with your students, families, and stakeholders at-large?
Schools/districts can and should implement a social media strategy that not only informs their clientele, but also engages them in the mission and goals of the institution, all in an effort to build relational supports. The key to doing this effectively is to remain consistent and clear in messaging, focusing on mission and goal-related pertinent data, activities, and progress milestones, centered on the people of the institution. Doing so creates a sense of community and belonging among stakeholders, generating buy-in from those who otherwise may not engage.
Implementation of this type of strategic presence takes purposeful planning and a commitment of time. In order to fully optimize the level of outreach school/district social media accounts generate, we cannot stop with the posting of purposeful shares. Monitoring the activity and impressions on these posts is imperative. This includes providing timely and relevant feedback on the comments, questions, and replies posted by followers, proving there is a knowledgeable human presence behind the account.
Interested in improving the social media presence of your school/district? Whether you have someone on staff charged with managing your accounts, or if you are just ready to get your accounts up and running, I can help. Contact me!